written by Johan Frisk© 2016
the A3 is ready to download if you go down...
to get the flow from the siphon going...
The objective of this presentation is to go through some Lean core beliefs and pinpoint the differences between Lean in factory and development environments.
spoiler: this is not the most efficient way of doing things!
...we want control and accountability, but...
spoiler: this is better but not enough!
...but, it is the bleeding edge in civil construction, forgotten since the '30s...
spoiler: this is balance act between surprise and peace of mind!
doing something new is about learning... as fast as possible :-)
A value stream is all activities, both value adding and non-value
adding, needed to refine and produce a product or service.
A sequence of messages or jobs held in temporary storage awaiting
transmission or processing.
A description consisting of one or more sentences in the everyday or
business language of the end user or user of a system that captures what a user
does or needs to do as part of his or her job function.
select user stories on cost of delay priority
break down to size that fits in sprint
separate knowledge gaps from implementation
let team decide on time estimate
definition of done
The cost of not having the product or service on the market when
customers exist and would purchase if they could.
How to manage so that flow can happen...
By Gerald Weinberg in his book Quality Software Management:
Systems Thinking
A key principle of scrum is its recognition that during production processes, the customers can change their minds about what they want and need.
johan.frisk (at) facila.eu